Absorbent secon­dary top­sheets from Sandler

Secondary topsheets, also known as ADLs (Acqui­sition and Distri­bution Layer), are used in feminine care, adult inconti­nence products and baby diapers. Their task is to transport fluids from the top­sheet as quickly as possible to a deeper layer - the absor­bent core - where they are safely trapped. They also act as an inter­mediate storage layer. This prevents rewet and thus potential skin irri­tation and chafing and ensures greater wearing-comfort. At Sandler, we have decades of expe­rience in the manu­facture of acquisition and distri­bution layers - perfectly adapted to your end product.

Nonwovens for hygiene applications | Sandler Group
Nonwovens for hygiene applications | Sandler Group

The advan­tages of our secon­dary topsheets

  • Increased wearing-comfort
  • Soft & absorbent
  • Free of chemicals and skin-friendly
  • Help to prevent chafing and skin irritation
  • Fast and safe fluid transport
  • Low rewet

More sustain­ability in the hygiene sector

Our acquisition and distri­bution layers can be made largely from recycled fibers. In this way, we also make a contri­bution to greater sustain­ability in the single-use hygiene sector. At the same time, our products are free of chemical additives, skin-friendly and high-performance. When absorbing liquids, the entire width of the acquisition and distribution layer is used to enable the longest possible wearing time.

Areas of appli­­cation for our acquisi­tion and distri­bution layers

When producing our secon­dary top­sheets, we adapt to the respec­tive overall product structure of our customers. We incor­porate our extensive know-how into product develop­ment and manufacture. Sandler acquisi­tion and distri­bution layers for feminine hygiene products impress with their optimum wearing-comfort and high fluid absorp­tion. Our nonwovens for diapers adapt flexibly to the respective product and offer reliable leakage protection.

Our secondary topsheets are used in the following areas

  • Baby care
  • Feminine hygiene
  • Adult incontinence
    Nonwovens for hygiene applications | Sandler Group
    Nonwovens for hygiene applications | Sandler Group
    Contact Theresa Baier | Sandler Group

    Your contact

    Theresa Baier
    Sales Manager
    +49 9284 60-247

    IDEA | Fair
    29.04.2025 - 01.05.2025
    Miami Beach - USA