Nonwovens in the mobility sector

Like other fields, the mobility sector is constantly changing. Where it once just was about getting from one place to another, other issues now play an important role: electro­mobility, sustain­ability and neoecology. With our nonwovens, we don't just want to provide solutions to current problems. We aspire to be pioneers. To recognize trends at an early stage and to create long-term perspec­tives. Our nonwoven solutions are parti­cularly attractive for the electro­mobility sector and can be used almost anywhere in the vehicle. Strong and extremely light at the same time. Adaptable and high quality.

    Our appli­cation highlight in mobility

    finexus® - The solution for sound insulation, thermal insulation and sustainability in the mobility sector. Our high-performance innovation for molded part applications in the interior and exterior or different vehicles.

    Learn more

    Nonwovens for acoustical insu­lation

    One of our key applications in mobility is the acoustic insu­lation in vehicles. A reliable acoustic insu­lation not only contributes to driving comfort. It also improves safety. A quieter driving environ­ment allows the driver to hear impor­tant warning signals from the outside with­out being distracted by distur­bing noises. At the same time, engine noise is efficiently dampened, resul­ting in reduced noise exposure of the surroun­ding area.

    We supply nonwoven solu­tions for

    • Pillar panel
    • Door panel
    • Parcel shelf
    • Trunk trims
    • Wheel arch liners
    • Engine covers
    • Carrier materials for molded parts
      Nonwovens for the mobility sector | Sandler Group
      Nonwovens for the mobility sector | Sandler Group
      Filtration | Sandler Group

      Nonwovens for filtration

      Sandler nonwoven filter media and frame materials are designed to effi­ciently filter pollutants, allergens and particles from the air as well as from fuels and other liquids - in the interior as well as in other areas of the vehicle. Inno­vative production techno­logies ensure that our nonwovens meet the high demands of the mobility industry - they are light­weight, durable and resource-saving at the same time. Along with standard solu­tions, we supply customized products that can be adapted to your require­ments. Sandler nonwoven solutions filter reliably and have a long service life. Decades of exper­tise make us a development partner for the mobility sector, offering versa­tile products from a single source.

      We supply filter media and composites for

      • Cabin air filters
      • Engine air filters
      • Fuel filters
      • AdBlue filters
      • Filters for air brakes

      Nonwovens for thermal insu­lation in vehicles

      Sandler nonwovens also come into play in the thermal insu­lation of vehicles - at any time of year. In summer, the vehicle is protec­ted from the heat. In winter, the heat stays inside the vehicle. This reduces the use of air condi­tioning, heating and energy in general.

      We supply nonwovens for

      • Outer & inner dashboard insulation
      • Floor insulation
      • Hood insulation
      • Engine insulation
      • Component insulation
      • Door panel insulation
        Nonwovens for the mobility sector | Sandler Group

        Nonwovens for up­holstery

        When it comes to vehicle interiors, Sandler nonwoven solu­tions are ideal. They are used for trim in vehicle interiors and adapt to different component contours. They are flexible or rigid, are a part of a molded part or an item in its own right. They come as single-polymer nonwovens or compo­sites. Sandler nonwovens are also used in the manu­facture of vehicle seats.

        We supply nonwovens for

        • the upholstery of vehicle seats
        • the interior of all kinds of vehicles
          Nonwovens for the mobility sector | Sandler Group

          Our techno­logies

          At Sandler, we command an extensive portfolio of manu­facturing technologies. This enables us to supply a vast range of the most various products. Whether it's lightweight construc­tion, thermal insu­lation, acoustics, interior fittings or filtration: Sandler nonwoven solutions are used everywhere in the vehicle. We always strive to develop recyclable products and actively promote sustain­ability and the circular economy in vehicle manufacturing. We use the following production techno­logies in the manufacture of nonwoven material for the mobility sector:

          Your Sandler contacts for the mobility sector

          Competence and experience – your Sandler contacts are experts in their fields and know our products inside out. Get in touch with us and together we will find the optimum solu­tion for your require­ments.

          Contact Fabian Geyer| Sandler Group

          Fabian Geyer
          Sound & thermal insulation in mobility
          +49 9284 60-4289

          Contact Wolfgang Bauer | Sandler Group

          Wolfgang Bauer
          Filtration in mobility
          +49 9284 60-192

          Contact Marion Rossband | Sandler Group

          Marion Roßband
          Upholstery in mobility
          +1 478 396-8404
          +49 171 6708685

          The right product for every sector

          Different sectors, different requirements. Sandler nonwoven products are engineered precisely for the appli­cation in which they are used.

          IDEA | Fair
          29.04.2025 - 01.05.2025
          Miami Beach - USA