Sandler Spirit - Filling rules with life

Our reliable team is the key to success. We trust and support each other - beyond everyday collaboration. In doing so, we treat each other as equals and always act as partners.

We assume responsibility - for ourselves, for our colleagues, and for Sandler. That means standing by decisions, learning from mistakes, and showing mutual understanding. After all, our goal is long-term cooperation.

We appreciate the individuality of our employees. It allows us to constantly improve and develop new solutions. That's why our everyday life is characterized by creativity and courage - regardless of the field of work.

Our new values 

Reliability, responsibil­ity, openness - the basis for working together as a team. Short and catchy recommendations for action help to fill the Sandler Spirit with life during everyday work routine. Communication and appreciation play a key role here. Managers and employees communicate with each other as equals. Each and every staff member has something to say, has good ideas and pitches in with their uniqueness. With everyone making their own individual contribution, our company continues to develop dynamically. That's what we call team spirit.

We use clear and understandable language at our company. Messages must be easy to understand and comprehend. This simplifies processes during daily work. Hierarchies are less important. In the end, it's all about successfully completing projects.

These basic rules of our internal communication also have top priority when dealing with our customers. Clear and understandable communication makes it easier to work together in daily business. It prevents misunderstandings and sometimes even trouble.

    Sandler Spirit | Sandler Group

    Together step by step

    To ensure that this does not remain an empty phrase, we regularly put these guidelines to the test. We constantly analyze whether we have achieved our goals for further development and growth. Therefore, we attach great importance to feedback from all departments, whether constructive or critical. We also invite our employees on a regular basis to provide anonymous feedback. In this context, it is fundamentally important to us to deal with mistakes in a positive and profitable way.

    Every employee in our large Sandler family is part of these ambitious plans. It depends on each and every member of the team. That's what we call the Sandler Spirit. We fill it with new life every day. There are many small steps that eventually add up to the big picture. It is crucial to walk this path together. That's why the Sandler Spirit philosophy is deliberately given a clearly visible place on the career page of our website.

      Sandler Spirit | Sandler Group
      IDEA | Fair
      29.04.2025 - 01.05.2025
      Miami Beach - USA