Buffer tank insulation - sustain­able and effective

At Sandler, we focus on sustain­ability. Not only in our own company, but also in our products. We want to offer real alter­natives that perform. In the field of heating techno­logy, our nonwoven insulation for buffer storage tanks makes a decisive contri­bution to the energy transition. Particularly efficient and adap­ting perfectly to the tank’s contours, they are an alter­native to conventional insu­lation materials such as soft foam, rigid foam or mineral fiber products.

Nonwovens for insulation | Sandler Group
Nonwovens for insulation | Sandler Group

The advan­tages of our buffer tank insu­lation 

  • Good energy efficiency class with low thickness
  • Flexible material that adapts perfectly to any contour
  • High insulation capacity
  • Temperature-stable
  • Moisture-resistant
  • Sustainable
  • Skin-friendly and free of harmful substances
  • High production capacities

Thin with a high perfor­mance

We use polyester in the production of our buffer tank insu­lation. Fine fiber products having a high lambda value and high basis weights feature a pro­gressive structure. They form a high performance insu­lation that adapts seamlessly to different buffer tank shapes and sizes. Our nonwoven material is extremely light­weight and provides efficient thermal insulation. It goes without saying that our products are robust and resis­tant to external influences. They are skin-friendly and free of harmful substances.

    Buffer tank insulation | Sandler Group
    Buffer tank insulation | Sandler Group
    Contact Ronny Schröder | Sandler Group

    Your contact

    Ronny Schröder
    Head of Sales
    +49 9284 60-191

    IDEA | Fair
    29.04.2025 - 01.05.2025
    Miami Beach - USA