Meltblown technology - high-perfor­­mance nonwovens

Meltblown technology plays a decisive role in the produc­tion of nonwovens - especially when it comes to the production of ultra­fine fibers. In the process, the melt of a polymer is pressed through a die with very fine openings, surrounded by a high-velocity air-flow. This way, the molten polymer is drawn into ultra-fine filaments which subse­quently are collected on a conveyor belt to form a nonwoven. The result is a homo­geneous nonwoven with ultrafine fibers providing for a high specific surface area and excep­tionally good filtration proper­ties. The extrusion of plastic melts enables precise control of the fiber diameters. Meltblown has been part of our techno­logy portfolio since 1999.

Meltblown nonwovens help with

Meltblown nonwovens are used in

    Contact Jana Bussler | Sandler Group
    »Meltblown nonwovens with their very fine fibers are particu­­larly suitable for filter appli­cations.«
    Jana Bußler, Product Development, Sandler AG
    Vliesstoffspezialisten | Sandler Group
    Meltblown | Sandler Group

    Production techno­logies for a wide range of uses

    Over the last few decades, we have conti­nuously expanded our techno­logy portfolio and can produce nonwovens for a wide range of require­ments. 

    Discover more Sandler production techno­logies

    IDEA | Fair
    29.04.2025 - 01.05.2025
    Miami Beach - USA