Globally active | Sandler Group

    Loyalty to home and inter­nationality - the Sandler Group locations

    From a medium-sized company to a world market leader - that is the history of Sandler Group. Over the last 140 years, we have conti­nuously developed our manu­facturing expertise and our product range. Today, we supply high-quality nonwoven products for the construc­tion, house­hold, hygiene, industry and mobility sectors. In 2016, we opened a second production site in Perry, Georgia, in order to be able to supply our inter­national customers in the best possible way.

    Globally successful - Sandler Group in the USA

    In 2016, we opened our first location outside Germany in Perry, Georgia. There we produce high-quality nonwovens especially for the American market. In Perry, we combine our many years of expe­rience with local expertise. We combine progressive manu­facturing techno­logies with a deep understanding of the require­ments of the inter­national market. As a result, we not only supply high-quality nonwoven products. We are also an integral part of the Perry community.

      Locations | Sandler Group

      How to get to Perry

      You can reach our Perry location via Interstate 75. Please note our business hours as well as our logistics hours if you would like to meet us on site.

      Locations | Sandler Group

      Sandler Nonwoven Corporation

      401 Airport Road
      Perry, Georgia 31069

      Plan route

      Business and logistics hours in Perry


      Monday through Friday: 08:00 am to 05:00 pm

      Send and receive

      Monday through Thursday: 6:00 am to 06:00 pm
      Friday: 06:00 am to 02:00 pm

      Deeply rooted - our site in Schwarzen­bach

      Our headquarters are located in Schwarzenbach, Bavaria. For over 140 years, we have been deve­loping and producing versatile nonwoven solu­tions. Just like our values of relia­bility, responsi­bility and openness, our connection to the location is part of our corporate DNA. Since our beginnings, Schwarzenbach has been the place that has shaped us, with which we feel connected, and which will continue to be of great impor­tance to us. That is why we support regional projects with full commit­ment and dedication.

        Locations | Sandler Group

        How to get to Schwarzen­bach a. d. Saale

        Our location in Schwarzenbach an der Saale is in the heart of Upper Franconia. You can reach us via the B289 federal highway. If you wish to collect goods yourself or have been notified to collect them, please note our instructions for self-collection.

        Locations | Sandler Group

        Sandler AG

        Lamitzmühle 1
        95126 Schwarzenbach/Saale

        Plan route

        Business and logistics hours in Schwarzen­bach

        Business hours

        Monday through Thursday: 08:00 am to 04:00 pm
        Friday: 08:00 am to 02:00 pm

        Business hours spare parts warehouse

        Monday through Friday: 06:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 06:00 pm

        Logistics hours

        Loading Plant 1, 4 & 5
        Monday through Friday: 06:00 am to 06:00 pm

        Loading ex Plant 3 
        Monday through Thursday: 06:00 am to 10:00 pm
        Friday: 06:00 am to 08:00 pm

        Discharge ex Plant 2 & 3
        Monday through Thursday: 06:00 am to 08:00 pm
        Friday: 06:00 am to 06:00 pm

        Nonwoven specialists | Sandler Group
        Nonwoven specialists | Sandler Group

        Cohesion across all levels - working at Sandler

        What drives our nonwovens specialists? Clearly our purpose of making everyday life more comfor­table. This applies to our colleagues in Schwarzenbach just as much as to those in Perry. Have we spurred your interest in becoming part of the Sandler team? Find our vacancies on our careers page.

        Go to the careers page

        Contact person regarding nonwovens | Sandler Group

        Sandler Nonwoven specia­lists – specia­lists for your questions

        Do you have a question about one of our products? Would you like to find out more about Sandler or are you interested in a development partner­ship? Our contact persons are happy to help.

        Find your Sandler contact

        IDEA | Fair
        29.04.2025 - 01.05.2025
        Miami Beach - USA