Thermobonding technology – nonwovens with high strength
Thermobonding, also referred to as calender bonding, has established itself as a reliable method in the production of nonwovens. In the process, a layer of fibers passes through a set of calendar rollers which punctually bond fibers together by applying heat and pressure to create dense and stable nonwovens. Thermobonded nonwovens are characterized by effective liquid distribution and an adjustable pore structure. Being air permeable and skin-friendly, they are preferred for processing into hygiene products. Thermobonding enables the rapid production of particularly thin nonwovens. Thermobonding has been part of our technology portfolio since 1987.
Thermobonding nonwovens help with
Thermobonding nonwovens are used in

Versatile & progressive - our production technologies
We supply nonwoven solutions to customers around the globe. In order to meet the most diverse requirements, we rely on a broad range of production technologies that we are constantly refining.