Sustainability at Sandler | Sandler Group

    Sustain­ability at Sandler - our way forward

    Sustainability is on everyone's lips these days. Recycling, carbon foot­print, plastic-free. But sustain­ability is so much more than that. At Sandler, we take a holistic approach to sustain­ability. We incorporate the UN's 17 Sustainable Develop­ment Goals into our sustain­ability strategy. And we all feel res­ponsible for sustain­ability – throughout the company.

    Strong values - common goals

    Our values of reliability, respon­sibility and openness are our foun­dation. They guide us every day and have a signi­ficant influence on our actions. Sustain­ability is an inherent component of our cor­porate values.

     Nonwovens specialists | Sandler Group
    Sustainability at Sandler | Sandler Group


    For us, reliability towards employees, customers and the region in which we work is essential. We base our sustainability strategy on the highest international standards such as the Sustainable Development Goals or the Global Reporting Initiative and, in future, on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.

    Responsibility | Sandler Group
    Sustainability at Sandler | Sandler Group


    We are actively working to shape a respectful future and are committed to living diversity. We also take responsibility outside our organization and strive to be a driver for a more sustainable future.

    Sustainability at Sandler | Sandler Group
    Sustainability at Sandler | Sandler Group


    We implement sustainable innovations and want to be a role model. Our sustainability strategy is therefore directly linked to four areas of action: People, Energy, Mindset and Products. We put people at the heart of everything we do, focus on new energies and question existing products and production technologies.

    People, energy, mindset & product - the four fields of action of our sustain­a­bility strategy

    Our sustain­ability strategy comprises four fields of action: People, Energy, Mindset and Product. Each indi­vidual field of action includes different topics that we are already imple­menting or intend to go about in the near future.

      Sustainability at Sandler | Sandler Group

      The focus is on people

      People are at the heart of everything we do at Sandler. After all, we can only achieve our goals for a more sustain­able future if we work together as a team. Equality and fair­ness are a matter of course for us. As is regional commit­ment. At the same time, we are committed to the respon­sible treatment of people along our supply chain.

      Sustainability at Sandler | Sandler Group

      Energy drives us

      We need energy to manufacture our products. We want to mini­mize our carbon footprint and therefore monitor our energy use closely. We create opti­mization potential and tap into new energy sources. This secures our supply situ­ation.

      Sustainability at Sandler | Sandler Group

      Mindset is the basis of our transfor­mation

      Even small changes move us forward in the long term. Each and every indi­vidual can make a contribution to our sustain­ability strategy and play an active role. This applies to employees as well as to our business partners and customers. Because only together can we achieve great things.

      Sustainability at Sandler | Sandler Group

      The product deter­mines our purpose

      Raw materials, operating materials, production processes, delivery, use, disposal: We consider the entire life cycle of our nonwovens. We regular­ly scrutinize each individual step in order to identi­fy potential for develop­ment and optimization and to conti­nuously improve ourselves.

      Sustainability at Sandler | Sandler Group
      Nonwovens | Sandler Group

      Products for the future

      With our products and our production techno­logies, we focus on sustainable solutions wherever possible. Discover our portfolio for cleaning, filtering, sound and thermal insulation, protection and up­holstery.

      Our nonwoven solutions

      Sustainability at Sandler | Sandler Group

      Your contacts for questions about sustain­ability at Sandler

      Contact us to find out more about our sustain­ability strategy and what we have already imple­mented in recent years. Our sustain­ability team is here to answer all your questions.

      Contact us now

      IDEA | Fair
      29.04.2025 - 01.05.2025
      Miami Beach - USA