Sandler Group – nonwovens specialists

At Sandler Group, we are nonwovens specialists. Our purpose drives us and moti­vates us to change. Because change affects us all and is the basis for long-term and sustain­able success. Our values form the basis of our actions. They are our foun­dation. Our unique selling propo­sition. The topic of sustain­ability is also deeply anchored in our long cor­porate history. And it accompanies our nonwovens specia­lists at both our locations on a daily basis.

Nonwovens material | Sandler Group
Our purpose | Sandler Group

Our Purpose – what drives us

Specializing in daily comfort - with every single fiber

Our specialty is everyday life. Because our nonwoven products make life easier, quieter, more comfortable and safer. We have made it our mission to combine convenience and sustainability. To this, we are committed - with every fiber of our being.

 Nonwovens specialists | Sandler Group
Nonwovens | Sandler Group


Reliability means quality and Sandler is quality. We rely on select raw materials and the highest production standards. To us, reliability also means being a true partner. We do not simply deliver goods. We stand for competent advice, comprehensive service and first-class products.

Our customers can count on us. To support the further processing of our products, we always focus on easy handling and high comfort. Not only do we develop new products together, we establish true partnerships.

Responsibility | Sandler Group
Sustainability | Sandler Group


As a family-operated company, we think long-term. To think long-term is to act sustainably. Of course, this means treating people, as well as resources, responsibly. Whether it is personnel development, production processes or recycling concepts: we aspire to be pioneers in our industry.

Our customers can rest assured: We are aware of our responsibility. For us, sustainability is not a trend, but has been a central aspect of our corporate strategy for decades. We strive to constantly improve and actively contribute to shaping transformation processes.

Openness | Sandler Group
 Nonwovens specialist | Sandler Group


We enjoy change and like to take on new challenges. We do not loose ourselves in haphazard trial and error but rely on structured agility. Our operation is well-tuned, be we embrace opportunities for optimization. We achieve high quality, because we are open to constantly developing new things.

We implement our customers' requirements, no matter how complex. Coupling an experienced team with state-of-the-art production lines allows us to deliver optimized nonwoven products. We always aspire to set new standards.

Achieving great things together - then and now

Over the last decades, we have developed into one of the world’s largest manu­facturers of nonwovens. It all began in 1879 in Hof, Bavaria, with an absorbent cotton factory. Since our foun­dation, the topic of sustain­ability has been a vital part of our corporate philo­sophy - not just at our German site. Our nonwovens specia­lists in Perry, Georgia are also actively committed to our sustain­ability goals.

In order to continuously improve our products and techno­logies, we are always on the lookout for partners - be it in the areas of procure­ment, logistics or recycling. Regardless of what we want to achieve, compliance with ethical principles and equality is an indis­pensable require­ment for us.

IDEA | Fair
29.04.2025 - 01.05.2025
Miami Beach - USA