Compliance | Sandler Group

    Com­pliance and human rights at Sandler 

    Mutual respect and trust are essential in any healthy relation­ship. We vow to act responsibly towards other people and the environ­ment. This applies to our entire value chain and to everyone with whom we interact - be it colleagues, customers or business partners. We want to create a safe and trusting environ­ment without discri­mination or abuse. We expect the same from our business partners and have set out our guide­lines in our Declaration of Principles.

      Compliance | Sandler Group

      Our complaints channels

      Although we want to act ethically in every situation, grievances can still occur. In order to detect and prevent compliance vio­lations, we rely on our employees as well as our customers and business partners. If you notice any signs of mis­conduct, please feel free to report it to someone you trust at Sandler. In addition to managers, employee represen­tatives or the CSR Human Rights Manager, our Online Whistleblower Portal is available to employees and external whistle­blowers for confiden­tial or anonymous reports. Whistle­blowers do not have to fear any dis­advantages - regardless of their choice of contact person.

      Learn more about our Rules of Procedure for Whistleblowers under the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

      Your contacts

      Do you have any questions about our policy state­ment or our whistle­blower portal?
      Our contact persons are there to answer your questions.

      Contact Jeannette Jaschkowitz | Sandler Group

      Jeannette Jaschkowitz
      Human Rights Officer
      +49 9284 60-559

      Contact Julia Siegeris | Sandler Group

      Julia Siegeris
      Legal Assessor
      Contract Management
      +49 9284 60-4242

      Nonwovens specialist | Sandler Group
      Sandler Sustainability Puzzle | Sandler Group

      Conscious action - our sustain­ability strategy

      Sustainability is a top priority for us at Sandler. Our sustain­ability strategy consists of four fields of action that comple­ment each other. We take a holistic and long-term view of sustain­ability - across all areas of the company.

      Read more about sustain­ability at Sandler

      IDEA | Fair
      29.04.2025 - 01.05.2025
      Miami Beach - USA